The GIANT art book covers are crying out to be in an art-themed window display, easel et al.

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Ooh good idea! Thank you!!

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Have a great weekend!

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Go out and buy a couple of Tesco pizzas, pop ‘em in the Rembrandt sleeves and pretend you’ve got a delivery from The Golden Age Pizzeria

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haha excellent!

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I love your posts.💕 I worked in retail for 14 years, although in a year-round Christmas shop (for 11) and ladies’ clothing (4). Oh, the stories!

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>...she also wanted a book to read, she either wanted Swallows and Amazons...

Better drowned than duffers!

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I'd frame the boxes and put them on ebay!

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Oct 11Liked by Katie Clapham

How strange not to want the sleeves. But I suppose they do render the books unopenable.

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I suppose they don't fit on a shelf in their boxes either! And I should be pleased that the intent is there to actually look at them rather than just buy and hoard them like I would. (Hi Jo! Nice to see you here! X)

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Yes they we're definitely bought to be read. In my day job (nosing around people's houses as an interiors writer) I see a few coffee tables groaning with expensive books that are suspiciously pristine. Yes good to see you here too Katie! I'm a slow adopter to substack but can see myself spending more time here

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Haha! And here I was a horoscope sceptic before this post!!

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Oct 11Liked by Katie Clapham

Thank you so much for unlocking the Lore Segal piece.

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You're welcome! Thank you for reading.

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Yoo should have a substack competition for the boxes, no?

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They're a burden, not a prize!

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one man's junk is another man's treasure!

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